Day two of eating solids went even better than the first. Ms. Lea Yael really thinks she is a big girl. She loves eating from a spoon. And mommy and daddy love feeding her!
Lea Yael is four months old, which finally means she can start solids. We knew she was ready because for about a month now, she eyed anyone who ate in front of her (especially Zadie). Here is a video of the first time we fed her Rice Cereal. She did so well eating from a spoon, she finished the entire bowl!
Lea Yael apparently felt some pressure knowing she was turning 4 months old- so today she reached two developmental milestones: First this morning when mommy was kissing her neck like crazy, Lea Yael started to laugh real hard! This was a lot different than her usual George Bush laugh. Then later on in the day she rolled over (back to front)! Check out her cute outfits and taxi pictures.
Lea Yael was so happy to celebrate the best daddy ever! She made him breakfast, gave him lots of gifts, and watched the cubbies with him! Here are some pictuers of how cute she was:
Here are some pictures from: Allie's graduation Daddy's birthday Fun time with Bubby Rose Hanging with Uncle Lester Lea Yael in her pretty jean dress from Cousin Elliot And sone other randoms....