Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Walk The Line

Two posts in the same week?  Crazy, I know!  Jakey has been using his Lion Walker for a month now and I figured it was time to video tape it:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring is Here!

Wow!  Time has flown by and as we busy ourselves with "life" we find little time to update this blog as often as we used to!  Here is what the kiddos have been up to since Feb.

L.Y. is the best big sister ever!  She loves to be Jakey's babysitter by taking care of him and making him laugh.  She is very excited about the spring and summer and just wants to wear shorts and flip-flops.  Don't we all?  She celebrated Pesach, and knew what the difference was between "chometz" and "kosher l'pesach".  The best part of her holiday though was that Uncle Mikey and Aunti Nomi were in Chicago the whole time!  She was also so happy that Bubby Bubby slept over at Bubby and Zaide's because Lea loves to scare Bubby Bubby!  Lea also went Rollerskating for the first time at her cousin Jordyn's birthday party, and has been asking for her own pair of skates ever since!  Speaking of parties, she also got to celebrate her cousin Samantha's birthday and saw some cool dog tricks there as well.  Lea has also started taking a Theater class at Starland which she absolutely loves!  She loves to read and learn new things.  Today we went to the Field Museum and she asked every question she could.  She loved seeing the Dinosaur bones and as she puts it "going to Egypt to see the Mummies".

J.S. is now 10 months old.  He is always always on the move!  He loves to smile and laugh and always wants to be "in on the joke".  His favorite songs are "If you are happy and yous know it" and "Twinkle Twinkle".  He starting "cruising" along furniture about a month ago and prefers standing to sitting.  He can also "walk" with his lion walk behind toy.  Jake loves to play music on any toy instrument he can find and can even climb up stairs!  His food choices are anything.  Especially meat.  He is a super hugger!!!!
He doesnt like bed time and fights putting on his p.j.s.  But once he is in his crib he will fall to sleep just fine.  Jakey is sooooo cute and kissable.  He is (kina hora) just a happy little baby!  True story.

First video is of both kids being as adorable as ever.
The second video is of Lea singing hers and her Daddy's song.  She has been able to sing the entire song from start to finish for over a year now, so I thought it was time to share.