Lea is almost 16 months old. She has many more words and signs. She loves her baby dolls, and kisses, feeds, sings, and rocks them to “sleep”. She is still crazy for any and all kinds of animals. If she sees an animal or baby her face lights up and she will tell you to shhhh (Auntie Allie taught her that). She is very self efficient and loves to show you what she can do by herself. She says yes now by just dropping her head, which is super cute. When she gets really excited about something she covers her mouth with her hand in an “Oh my gosh” way (compliments of bubby). She still goes on the potty and even walks in there by herself to let us know. Her favorite thing to read on the potty is Jack and Jill. In the past few weeks she has celebrated her Daddy’s birthday, father’s day, had many play dates, gone swimming, went to the Jewish festival where she went into a petting zoo (and would not leave), saw cousins Samantha and Jordyn, looks like a pakuna, needs kisses if she thinks she has a booboo, loves tickling, and is as cute as ever! Enjoy pictures and a short video.
Classic Silly Face
Daddy doesn’t let me wear this skirt anymore
I love helping mommy put away dishes!
Habie showing me how to play in the mud

Clapping for daddy when he was batting

Aunti Allie and Zayde took me to Indian Boundary Park

Zayde showed me the goats!

Daddy singing to me at the Soul Farm concert at the Jewish Festival

I just wanted to go back to the petting zoo

The cutest little Samantha Chloe came over for a playdate!

I love taking my baby-doll for a drive

Singing the baby to sleep

Playing at Old Orchard

Arent I cute up here?

I made my mommy and bubby rent a car at the mall- way cooler than my stroller

Sneaking a snack at Devonshire pool

Playing with daddy in the waterfalls

I love the big pool!
This is so much fun! Way better than the bath!

Habie and I cleaning the windows at Bagel Country