Jakey Shia had his first Chanukka which he totally loved! He especially liked looking at the candles shinning so brightly. Lea had such an amazing understanding of what the holiday represents and most of all loved learning and singing all the songs and brachot! Enjoy these pics and videos from the last 2 weeks!
Video 1: Jakey being soooo cute and Lea Yael when she is in charge
Video 2: The result of leaving your camera out on shabbos...
Sorry we are bit delayed in posting,but some very exciting things have happened. Lea Yael and Jakey Shia became big cousins on Nov. 25, 2009 to cutie pie Andrew Max. Our family was super excited to go visit him and take part in his bris! He was such a trooper and is super brave. Lea Yael and Jakey Shia did amazing on the plane rides. Jake slept and Lea loudly reminded everyone to keep their seat-belts on until the sign went off. We can't wait to play with Andy Max agian very soon when he moves to Skokie :).
Here is a video of Andy Max (the last 4 minutes is of L.Y. singing the shema to him the night before his bris).
Bubby and Zaide and all their Grandchildren (K'H) Jakey in Time Square Lea Yael found Dora! At Rockefeller Center L.Y. and Andy Max holding hands Daniel holding his nephew Andy Daniel and L.Y. on the never ending ride at ToysRus Ackerman's and Andy Max at his bris Burgher's Bubby and Zaide with the man of the hour Jakey being frum at the Bris Zaide at the Bris Bubby and her youngest boys